Community activities by Hasera
Eco village development
HASERA is contributing to the holistic and sustainable development of Patalekhet village. We want to develop this village as a model eco-village of the country. To achieve this goal we have been providing technical, social and financial support for the planning and implementation of the development activities. Therefore, a part of the contributions received from the volunteers and training participants will be invested for such community support activities.

Following are the major activities we have accomplished for the betterment of the local community:
- 3 months long non formal education class for local women
- 6 months long practical education class for local women and teenagers
- 12 month long Farmers’ Field School (FFS) in Organic farming techniques
- Market center establishment for fair trade market of local organic products
- Life education and competency development class for children and teen agers
- Certification of local organic products through Participatory Guarantee System (PGS)
- Women health workshops and free health camps with special focus on women health issues
- Facilitation for local CBOs / NGOs and POs for participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation
- Emergency relief and rehabilitation supports for needy families during the earth quake, April 25, 2015
- Permaculture designing of 21 houses through Permaculture Design Course participants
- Based on these families, we have started to develop the local village as a model Permaculture Village
- Facilitating for the regular operation of Local Women’s Group, child club & multipurpose cooperatives
- Seeds and seedlings from our farm for the farmers willing to start or improve their grden
- Technical facilitation and counseling for the enthusiastic farmers
About 100 households are being directly benefitted from our community activities. Out of these 15 households are developing themselves as a Permaculture eco village. We are providing technical and some financial supports for them to achieve this goal.
Model farm award
We have developed 480 indicators for the model Permaculture farms. We do follow up and monitor the farms in our neighborhood and find the households with maximum number of indicators applied. We provide the model farm award for such best performing households. If any other organization wants to replicate this system in this area, we are happy to share these indicators together with the guidelines for evaluation and awarding.
Eco pad
As women are the major stakeholders to implement Permaculture in their households, women health promotion is one among the major needs for the promotion of Permaculture in the village. So we organize women health workshops and promote reusable eco-pad. Vision YouthAction Taiwan is cooperating for the organization of women health camps and Dharti Mata is working with us in promoting eco-pads. Such pads are being produced and marketed in HASERA premises.
National level facilitation
It is our goal to bridge the gap between the policy makers and the field practitioners at the national
level. Side by side our aim is to build networks and share experiences with the students, researchers,
policy makers, development workers to improve awareness and level of understandings about different methods
of agriculture. To fulfill this aim, we organize and participate in issue based discussions, organize
research, provide consultation services and publish informative publications.
We have the experiences of facilitating different Government authorities in preparing the following
documents -
- National standard of Organic Agriculture
- Manual for the Training of Trainers (ToT) in Organic Agriculture
- Working procedure for the implementation of Participatory Guarantee System (PGS)